TRADITIONAL vegan buffalo cauliflOwer

Super simple buffalo cauliflower recipe adapted from Logical Harmony. Just a few ingredients are needed to whip these up. I used an air-fryer but you can bake these in the oven.


1 head cauliflower, florets only

1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or non-dairy milk)

2 teaspoons ground oregano

4 teaspoons garlic powder

2 teaspoons pink salt

1/2 cup vegan buffalo sauce (I used Frank’s)

Vegan ranch for dipping


Cut the florets off the head of a cauliflower.

In a medium bowl, add batter ingredients and whisk together to get rid of lumps.

Dip the florets into the batter, coating well.

Place on a parchment lined baking sheet for the oven or air-fryer. If baking, preheat oven to 350 while making batter and prepping cauliflower. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until crisp.

I made mine in the air-fryer on a small sheet of parchment for the first 10 minutes then removed the parchment for remaining cook time (25 minutes for extra crispy at 350).

Toss in buffalo sauce and immediately serve (they will get soggy if you let them sit around). Don’t toss in the sauce until you’re ready to serve.
